BAAC Board meeting and seminar in Tallinn - June 4-5, 2007

June 2007, Tallinn
The fifth BAAC Board meeting was held at Estonian Television in Tallinn on June 4. Present organizational matters and future plans were discussed as well as the upcoming IASA-BAAC joint conference in Riga.
The meeting concurred with changes in Estonian Television. At the beginning of June, Estonian TV and Radio were transformed into the Estonian Public Broadcasting Corporation. This provided a perfect opportunity to introduce the Baltic Audiovisual Archival Council and its activities to the new chief executive of EPBC, Margus Allikmaa. Mr. Allikmaa expressed his approach towards preservation of audiovisual material and joined the debate about digitisation and metadata.
The board meeting was followed by a tour to the video and film archives, TV studios, museum and staff operational areas. Tedd Urnes, who inspected the description of Norwegian-content still images and made some corrections, addressed special attention to the photo archive.
The following day (June 5) started with an excursion to the Estonian National Library, organized especially for BAAC members and participants of the seminar “Audiovisual Archives: Preservation and Re-use”. The seminar took place in the same library and was supported by the Estonian Ministry of Education and Research. Colleagues from Estonia, Finland, Sweden and Norway presented various thematic issues. Following upon the success of a similar gathering in Vilnius in mid-February, the number of participants in Tallinn had grown substantially. On this occasion there were 57 participants from 18 institutions.
Juozas Markauskas
Vilnius University
Related article:
Seminar programme