BAAC Board meeting in Riga July 4, 2006

It was one of those really hot summer days in Riga, when the BAAC board held its second meeting this year. Lasse Nilsson and Inga Vilcāne were absent so the board was represented by Piret Noorhani, Andris Ķesteris, Tedd Urnes, Lars-Gunnar Bengtsson and Juozas Markauskas. Two other BAAC members, Reet Harkmaa and Gunnel Jönsson (Secretary General IASA) took part in the meeting. The meeting at Latvian Television was hosted by Nora Vojevodska and Jānis Holšteins.
Two major events, this year’s BAAC seminar and next year’s BAAC-IASA conference were the main topics on the agenda. It was decided that the coordinator for The Riga Seminar 2006 will be Nora Vojevodska of Latvian Television. Nora Vojevodska will, on behalf of the BAAC board, issue invoices to the participants of the seminar, keep the record of transactions and report these to the BAAC board. The final programme for the Riga seminar 2006 was set and it was decided that Juozas can publish the programme on the web.
For the joint BAAC-IASA conference 2007 an organizing committee was elected. The committee consists of Gunnel Jönsson, Jānis Holšteins, Jacquline von Arb and a secretary/contact person from LTV. Andris Ķesteris and Piret Noorhani will be the Programming Committee and Juozas Markauskas will take responsibility for IT matters together with Ilse Assmann from IASA. Tedd Urnes and someone from LTV will take care of financial matters and Reet Harkmaa will be the contact person for the conference. The organizing committee will hold a meeting in Riga in March 2007.
Piret Noorhani informed the meeting of the good news that the Nordic Culture Fund has decided to grant 25 000 Danish kronor for the seminar 2006. IASA will support the joint conference 2007 with 5 000 Euros. Norwegian National Broadcasting and the Estonian Literary Museum had both applied to become Institutional Members in the BAAC and both applications were approved by the board.
The official logo for the BAAC will be a graphic symbol of the four letters BAAC and a text stripe with the full name. It will be published on the webpage as soon as possible.